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Pride 2020
Friday 26th June 18:00 on Zoom
We know you've been waiting on the edge of your seat to hear what we've got lined up for our Virtual Pride next week, so without further ado, we're excited announce the incredible line-up for the event!
Since we found out Pride was cancelled, we've been working hard to bring you an incredible selection of artists and speakers for an evening of entertainment and fun but also, more importantly, education.
From the winner of our very own Queer's Got Talent, Jason the Smoking Area Boi to RPDR's Vinegar Strokes we have procured a line up that's guaranteed to amaze you!
This year we will also be supporting The Exist Loudly Fund, launched by our guest speaker, Tanya Compas.
Read the full bios and line-up below with more information on The Exist Loudly Fund.
We look forward to seeing you all this Friday from 6PM.
Love always,
The Proudly King's Committee
Proudly supporting
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